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Tips to write more this year

Hello Writing Etc. Subscriber!

Happy new year! I think it’s going to be a good one. However, as a freelancer, if you don’t write more, you won’t sell more, you won’t have a good year.

So, it’s in this vein that whipped up five easy techniques to get your creative fires burning and your fingers dancing over the keyboard.

1. Sit in front of the computer.

Or stand, if you have one of those fancy desks. But get your tush over to your computer, sit down and do NOT get up until you have your writing done for the day. It’s the second part of this sentence that’s the most important; the not getting up part.

If you’re like me, the minute you sit down, a million issues will arise. Your fingernails will feel too long, you’ll need to use the bathroom, the dog will need attending, the phone will ring, any number of items will pop up. Ignore them.

Which brings me to my next point:

2. Ignore distractions.

This one’s tough, but if you’re going to get serious writing done, you need to get serious. Ignore the phone, ignore the long fingernails, the Internet, ignore everything but your main goal: writing. Decide how many words per day you’ll pour onto paper, then stick to your chair until it’s done. After that, all bets can be off, but if you’re a writer who isn’t writing, you’re not a writer. (How’s that for a circular sentence?)

3. Write.

I know. This sounds silly. But you’d be amazed how many writers hang out at forums, blog comment sections, attend conferences, purchase writing books… do anything but actually sit in their chair and write.

Writing is terrifying. It’ll get picked apart, mocked, challenged, you’ll be called a hack, poser, and at times, brilliant. Take it all with a grain of salt. Your job is to present your message with as much clarity as you can and the reactions will follow. Write to express your message and let the dominoes fall where they will.

4. Don’t fear the first draft.

Your first draft will be terrible. Accept that and move on. Once you get the first draft complete, edit the heck out of it, polish, help it reflect your thoughts as well as you’re able. I love my first drafts because edits are always easier than staring at that blank page.

5. When you’re scared, act.

It’s not a matter of if you’ll experience fear, it’s a matter of when. Sometimes you’ll write something controversial. That’s the way it goes, not everyone will agree with you all the time. Sometimes your writing will get you in trouble. Sometimes your readers will complain.

To think your writing career will be all accolades and rose petals isn’t realistic. Sure, when times are good, they’re very good. But when someone disagrees with you, you can face some unique challenges.

When you feel fear, the best thing you can do it keep writing. Never let it paralyze you. Never take it to heart. Keep moving forward. When you figure out how to effectively do this every time, let me know. I’m not always successful at this. When I want to wallow for an afternoon, I enjoy a a big bowl of warm chocolate pudding and a thick romance novel. Now, that’s some effective therapy.

In the mean time, write on!

Beth 🙂

P.S. Want to write more this year? This title will get you going fast. We’re talking three volumes of hard core freelance information in one handy download.

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Writing Etc./Filbert Publishing News – January 15, 2013

ISSN: 1545-5580

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