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Competition is (supposedly) fierce. Here’s how to stand out…

I’ve heard it a million times: It’s no good to start living my dream. The Internet’s created so many wanna-be (insert profession here), it’s just not worth it to even try… This attitude is blatantly incorrect.

Just to illustrate my point, here’s an excerpt from Jumpstart Your Writing Career that’ll blow this notion out of the water. And if you enjoy this piece, pick up a copy of Jumpstart. You’ll make my day. 🙂

P.S. I’ve got more great content heading your way! Thanks for being a VIP subscriber!

What Makes Your Voice Special?

Everybody has a unique voice.

Right now, you’re probably thinking, “Duh.”

But think about it. How many voices fill your house, your television screen, your radio? Every one of them is different.

Think about a conversation you’ve recently shared with someone. Think about how your voices differed. Think about your choice of words versus theirs. Think about the inflection and accents each person used.

How does education change someone’s “voice?” How does life experiences change someone’s “voice?” Does your “voice” change when we’re with different people?

I actually have a point with this exercise…

Your writing will always have a voice. Whether you use your own voice, an interviewee’s voice, or whether you choose to use a voice of one of your characters is totally up to you.

Just remember to faithfully capture the uniqueness of each one.

Today you need to sharpen your auditory skills and listen to voices. Try to describe how each voice differs, how each voice gives you clues about the person speaking, and inferences you can make by listening to the voice.

What does it say about their current emotional state?

What makes a voice sound sexy? Dorky? What kind of language makes someone sound educated? How can you apply these new observations in your writing?

Always observe. Always watch and listen. And always try to describe what you’re seeing.

Assignment: Take five minutes and try to authentically capture a conversation you’ve recently had with someone. Visualize the scene and do some minor describing of what each of you did when you spoke. (hand gestures, nose wrinkling, nodding, etc.) Try to capture the essence of each participant. Now get to work.

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