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Private Creative Coaching

If you’re an aspiring creative entrepreneur, someone with a calling in your heart but you don’t know where (or how) to begin, what I’m about to share with you could be the game-changer you’re looking for.

You see, I’ve been an active freelancer for nearly three decades. And to say I’ve picked up a few tricks of the trade, faced incredible obstacles, and still kept creating isn’t an understatement.

Through the years, I’ve had the pleasure of figuring out how to deal with challenges like…

  • Cancer (and its treatment)
  • Heart Attacks
  • Intrusive family members
  • Raising kids
  • National catastrophes
  • Pandemics
  • Creative blocks
  • Interesting temperaments
  • Growing a readership
  • The rise of ebooks
  • The growth of the Internet
  • Tackling audiobooks
  • Effective (and economical) marketing techniques

Plus, if you feel stuck, unable to figure out your path… I literally wrote a book on that topic.

In other words, I’ve been around the creative block. Twice. At least.

So, if you need another set of eyes to take an unbiased, market-driven look at your idea, writing style, marketing plan, you’ve come to the right place.

But let’s talk specifics, eh?

In case you’re unfamiliar, a creative coach helps you refine your craft, get a second opinion, and (sometimes) gives you the courage to get off your butt and create whatever it is you mean to create.

To be honest, working as a creative entrepreneur isn’t easy. Blocks pop up. Obstacles are inevitable. You’re gonna make mistakes. Plus, getting paid can be a challenge… unless you have a few marketing tricks up your sleeve.

And that’s the glory of pursuing your dream.

So what do I help you do?

  • I help you turn mistakes into benefits, learning events. Transform them so they’ll help you grow as an artist and mature as a business person.
  • I help you embrace your unique voice and help your creative life feel sane again.
  • Ignite inspiration as you follow the path you’ve always known you wanted to lead.
  • Help you create the artist life you’ve dreamed of, no matter where you live, no matter your age, no matter your education level.
  • Share the marketing strategies that are working best these days along with timeless copywriting techniques.

In other words, you can expect to feel encouraged, inspired, guided, and most importantly… not alone.

After nearly 30 years in the creative game, I know what works, and what doesn’t, when it comes to inspiration, execution, and creating a long-term project that has the potential to pay dividends for years to come. (I actually wrote a couple of books on this topic, too!)

And tantamount to it all, I recognize the importance of a stable mindset to help you manifest and sustain the project of your dreams. (Oh… and when I talk about mindset, hang on to your hat. I’m not talking incessant positivity. What I’m describing is something far different…)

Are you ready to unlock your creative thinking and creativity? Completely one-on-one?

Just click here.

P.S. Betcha didn’t know that subscribers to Writing Etc. get a nice discount on all coaching and consultations, eh? Just take a peek to your right and sign up. Writing Etc. is free, for Pete’s sake. 🙂

P.P.S. Oh. I forgot to mention, available coaching slots fill up fast. I’m an actual creative entrepreneur helping our Filbert authors hatch up, develop, and execute new projects every day. So yeah, if you want some quality time, you may want to nab it fast ’cause open appointment times are definitely limited. 🙂

Here’s where you can get more information and fill out a quick (and easy) application.
