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All About Working with Amazon

Hey! If you’ve written a book… if you want to sell it on Amazon (a seriously smart thing to do considering their platform sells the lion’s share of books worldwide), you’ve got a big question to ask yourself:

“Do I allow them to exclusively sell my book or will I allow Barnes and Noble, Google Play, iTunes, etc. sell it?”

In today’s issue of The Creative Entrepreneur newsletter, I talk about the Good, Bad, and Ugly of Amazon Exclusivity. It’s free to Mocha Club members. (Hey… why not join up. Buy me a mocha, and I’ll give you access to my nearly two decades of publishing experience!)

If you’re already a subscriber, log in and ENJOY! It’s (as always) a hoot. 🙂

Thanks for being a subscriber! You rock. Big hugs to you and THANKS for the mocha!

Download your copy here.

Published inThe Creative Entrepreneur Newsletter