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Is your info private?

~~~ Notes from Minnesota ~~~

Hey Freelancer,

Oh my. The European Union has enacted some interesting privacy laws and I gotta tell ya, they’re actually pretty awesome.

Needless to say, some newsletter owners are a tad upset. But, generally speaking, if you built a readership organically (no crazy tricks), you’re basically fine. It’s the folks who engage in list swapping, shady book promos, and other dubious forms of “list building” who have found themselves scrambling.

Nevertheless, I thought today would be a nice opportunity to let you know what, exactly, the fine folks at Filbert Publishing does with your information. (Clue: not much.) Just check out the main article.

It’s also a good time to remind you that you can download the first issue of The Creative Entrepreneur Newsletter as my gift. You’ll find the link a bit down the page. 🙂

‘Til next time,

Beth 🙂


Let’s talk shop!

Freelancing can be far too solitary. Issues pop up.

Let’s untangle crazy situations. Gossip (just a little). Let’s hang out at the Mocha Club.

When you’re a member, you’ll receive The Creative Entrepreneur Newsletter. This is the place we’ll talk shop… down and dirty techniques, no fads, no fluff… just hard core, immediately executable information all designed to help your bottom line. Sometimes you’ll also receive an accompanying video highlighting and expanding on the newsletter information.

Fact is, the Internet can be a mine field of dubious advice and it’s easy to forget that if it sounds too good to be true…

There are at least a bazillion potential options you can use for every conceivable task. This newsletter will focus options tailored for freelancers so you can select the best, toss the less than stellar, and focus on techniques that best serve freelancers, writers, authors… creative entrepreneurs.

And this information? I (and my coffee partners) actually use these techniques, hacks, resources, etc. to grow our freelance biz. Oh, and we have a blast while doing so.

So why not join us? It’s a great conversation. Plus, entrance will set you back less than a mocha.

Here’s the link for your first free issue of The Creative Entrepreneur Newsletter.

You can subscribe here (and download issue #2… Everything You Need to Know About Building a Profitable Website).

What Filbert Publishing does with your info…
Beth Ann Erickson

I know you’ve likely heard (ad nauseum!) about the new privacy regulations (GDPR) going into effect in the European Union. I’ve gotten roughly 14-zillion emails about it, from every website under the sun, and I’m sure you have as well.

I won’t belabor the point, but I want to make sure that I am only sending you emails you want to receive. So bear with me while I take a moment to 1) make sure you want to be on this list and 2) let you know what I do with your information.

Item #1 is easy. If you want to be on the list and grow your freelance, great! You don’t have to do anything, and I’ll continue to send the awesome content you signed up for.

If you’d rather opt out, there’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email (and at the bottom of every email I send you, actually). You can easily leave our little reading group at any time.

As for item #2, this is simple. I want to write and help authors publish, not create complicated privacy policies. So here is what I do with your information (spoiler: basically not much):

– The only thing I use your information for is to send you the email updates you agreed to when you surfed to, inserted your email into the box, then confirmed your subscription via email. Your information is securely stored on the servers at Aweber (my mailing list software; you can learn more about them here: and I will never use it for any other purpose. Ever. Also, I won’t share, swap, or sell your information, or in ANY way abuse the trust you’ve placed in me by sharing your information with anyone. Period.

That’s been Filbert Publishing’s stand since we launched in ‘01 and it continues to this day.

– My email newsletter sign-up requires that you give me your email address (for obvious reasons). I do not require any further information, though you may opt to give me your first and/or last name; I use these only to personalize your email.

– Filbert Publishing does not use cookies (cookies are used to track your progress through a website, among other things; you can read more here: I don’t track your visits. I have better things to do. When you swing by, I want you to feel comfortable and… well… explore!

If you are in the EU, you can learn more about how the GDPR regulations affect you and what new rights are afforded you by visiting . If you are not in the EU, these regulations do not currently apply to you, but I treat your information with the same caution regardless. It’s just good business.

Okay, that’s out of the way, let’s talk about … your next read. How ‘bout downloading your first issue of The Creative Entrepreneur Newsletter?

Better yet? Buy me a mocha and I’ll send some finely detailed (immediately useful) freelance information your way…

You can use any of these articles free of charge on your own website or zine. Just don’t make any changes and be sure to include this byline:

This article is courtesy of Filbert Publishing. Make your writing sparkle, write killer queries, get published. Subscribe to Writing Etc., the free e-mag for freelancers and receive the e-book “Power Queries.”



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Please forward this message with your friends, writing groups, peers, and anyone who you feel will find this content useful. I think they’ll find the information helpful and I know I very much appreciate your support.


PRIVACY STATEMENT: We will not distribute your email address to anyone. Ever. Period.

Please send your news items, ideas, comments, etc. to
Writing Etc.
Box 326
Kandiyohi, MN 56251
Maurice and Beth Erickson, Publishers


(c) 2018

Published inWriting Etc.