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Write. Create. Repeat. Preparing for 2016

Writing Etc.: Become a Writer for Hire

December 3, 2015

~~~ Notes from Minnesota ~~~

Hey Freelancer!

The grand Filbert Publishing restructuring of 2015 is going well. Watch for our ebook selection to continue to grow in the coming weeks; I’ve got some incredible titles ready to roll. (Trade paperback updates and revisions to follow.)

In that vein, I wanted to extend a big “Thanks” to you. It means a lot that you stuck with me through this entire cancer nightmare. My latest tests came back NED (No Evidence of Disease… ha, I may have just expanded your medical vocabulary). Good test results are quite a relief.

So, to celebrate my probability of good health, my first, fully revised and updated title “Jumpstart Your Writing Career and Snag Paying Assignments” is temporarily only 3.99. It’ll go up to its regular price (8.95) shortly. So, if you’ve been thinking about expanding your freelancing income streams in 2016, you’ll likely find this title invaluable.

Today is all about goal setting. It’s not as hard as it sounds. Jeepers, I pretty much suck when it comes to fancy dancey calendars, day planners, and hard core scheduling. I’m weird that way.

But I’ve found a system that works very well for my purposes. Be sure to check it out below. (Oh, and nab your copy of Jumpstart if you want to get in on its special new-release price.)

Hmmmm… I think that’s it. For now.

Onward and upward, see you next time,

Beth 🙂


jumpstart littleThink it’ll take forever to earn a great living as a writer? Think again. With Jumpstart Your Writing Career and Snag Paying Assignments, you’ll discover how easy it is to:

  • Think like a writer
  • Hone your writing skills until they’re razor sharp
  • Tackle the most lucrative branch of writing
  • Learn secrets of fiction
  • Organize your nonfiction articles
  • Write powerful queries
  • Promote your writing business for little or no money

Completely revised and updated, if you want to be a freelance writer who snags paying assignments, this book’s for you.

It’s currently 3.99 for the digital download and the price will go up to its regular 8.95 price shortly. Nab yours when the getting’s good. 🙂

Get it at Amazon.



Preparing for 2016

Beth Ann Erickson

When I sit back in my office chair, sipping pumpkin chai tea, I can barely wrap my head around the fact that I’ve freelanced for 20 years. Yikes. Where did the time go?

I’ve seen fads, trends, and exponential changes in this industry since I was a doe eyed young lady exiting college with her dream proudly displayed on her sleeve.

But you know what? When it comes to actually writing, marketing, and selling writing, much has remained constant. When you drill down the latest hype, distill Internet brouhaha, and take a step back, writing success generally boils down to this:

Write. Market. Repeat.

A great way I know to do this is to set flexible goals. And setting goals for 2016 can be broken down like this:

1. Think about what you want to accomplish.

Some people set financial goals. Some set daily word counts. Others decide how many books they’ll publish.

2. Purchase a calendar you like.

I’ve seen calendars costing close to a hundred bucks (they call them day planners). Just to contrast, I often get my calendar at the dollar store. Get one you like. I use something simple so I don’t spend too much time micromanaging my next day.

3. Create a loose plan.

I whip up a list of personal projects I’d like to complete in the coming year. I then decide how many author projects Filbert Publishing can work on, making sure we have enough time to personally work with each new author.

I also ponder a loose marketing schedule. It’s probably prudent to note here that I’ve read a gazillion marketing books. Whenever I come across a marketing technique that makes me wince, I don’t add that to the schedule. Seriously, if you hate a marketing technique, you won’t do it.

Instead, create a marketing schedule that works for your personality type and run with it. (If you need marketing ideas, my 101 No Cost (And Low Cost) Techniques to Turbo Charge Your Freelance Income is packed easy marketing strategies. It’s also on a big-time sale, too.)

With this list I then…

4. Break the plan down into workable chunks.

After 20 years in the biz, I kinda know how long each task can realistically take. Then I double my initial estimate. 🙂

Now I list each task by order of priority: Which one do I want finished first? What’s next? What’s after that? Are some tasks seasonal? I need to make sure I schedule them well before my deadline.

5. Break the chunks down into weekly and/or daily tasks.

Now that I have my handy list, I can open my calendar and kinda/sorta fill in my schedule. I always leave a blank day each week to play catch-up. Remember, tasks often take longer than you expect. Sometimes, gloriously, a task goes fast. Those are the days I head to Caribou Coffee and celebrate like it’s 1999. 🙂

I rarely fill my calendar to the brim. I work a month at a time, always keeping my primary, yearly goals tucked inside the little calendar book. This way, I know what I want accomplished, but also acknowledge that I need flexibility.


6. Use a pencil to mark your calendar.

Don’t be afraid to erase, reschedule, and live your life. Remember, the most important part of each day is to write, create, and distribute your words. If this is all you get done on particularly hectic weeks, you’re still way ahead of the pack. But be sure to do these three activities (write, create, repeat) every day.

So, let’s do this, eh? Here’s to a wonderful 2016 prep. 🙂


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This article is courtesy of Filbert Publishing. Make your writing sparkle, write killer queries, get published. Subscribe to Writing Etc., the free e-mag for freelancers and receive the e-book “Power Queries.”



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Maurice and Beth Erickson, Publishers


(c) 2015

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