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Author: Erickson Beth

The Alchemy of Manifesting: The Elements

The old hymn says “‘Tis a gift to be simple…”

Truer words were never spoken, especially when it comes to marketing.

From building websites to constructing customer emails to creating a simple chain of autoresponders; an uncomplicated marketing strategy can create challenges you didn’t anticipate.

Discover why simplicity is one of the most important elements of the Alchemy of Manifesting.

Enjoy and THANKS for the mocha!


P.S. Here’s your link!


The Alchemy of Manifesting Part Deux

Jumping into the fray of humanity can get messy. But it’s an important aspect of persuasion, writing, freelancing, making a living as a writer.

It sounds trite to say “know your reader” when it’s difficult to understand yourself. But striving to do just that will ignite the Alchemy of Manifesting in ways you can only imagine.

This is the braid we unravel today…

Enjoy and THANKS for the mocha!

P.S. Be sure to check out the introduction. I’ve got a nice surprise for every wonderful subscriber to this newsletter. 🙂


The Alchemy of Manifesting

Today we’re launching into the theme of the new year: The Alchemy of Manifesting

Ah, but it’s not what you may think.

Is it wise to question the power of positive thinking? After all, if you head to social media, meme after meme boasts the easiest way to achieve your goals is to tune your attitude to its happiest setting and magic will rain down from heaven.
But what if there’s a better, more effective way to “manifest” your goals? One that has nothing to do with false happiness?

This is the braid we unravel today…

Enjoy, and THANKS for the mocha!


P.S. Here’s your link:


Tending to This Can Transform Everything

It’s a popular topic, especially online. Many gurus proclaim it’s a magic elixir. And sometimes it can be… or not. This aspect of your Creative Entrepreneur journey is important… for sure. But it’s also as natural as breathing, not the weird, complicated process it some folks make it out to be. Today we’re digging deep into the world of… well, you’ll see. 🙂

I hope you find this month’s issue helpful as you navigate this crazy profession!

Oh, and never forget: You can always contact me if you have any questions or comments! My email box is always open. 🙂

Til next month… write on!


P.S. Thanks for the mocha! Here’s your link:
